Chapter 4 

“If I have told you earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?”

There are many repeating themes in the Bible; it is one of the basics of the teaching method.  We don’t know spiritual things; therefore, they are explained with examples which are a likeness of the heavenly.

We see this clearly in the parables of Jesus, especially the ones about the Kingdom.  He says the Kingdom of God is like this, and then it’s like that, and then it’s like something else—a long list of figures to help understand what it is like.  Every teaching in the Bible is exampled to us in repeating patterns, which patterns are figures.  My favorite pattern gives an overview of the entire Bible:

First, we are condemned to death by sin, but we are still walking and talking—not dead.  This is rather suggestive that, even though the wages of sin is death, there may be a salvation from death.  The fact that we condemned are still around gives hope and hope is a likeness of salvation.

Second, there is a sign of salvation.  If the sign comes from God, then it is a sure thing that it will come to pass—consider it done.  Therefore, this also is a likeness of salvation—a more substantial likeness.

Third, salvation is offered outright. This is more than a likeness; whether accepted or not, it is salvation.

Fourth, salvation is accepted—a done deed.  And what can be a stronger likeness than the thing accomplished? Condemnation without death is a pattern of salvation.  The pattern increases from hope, to a sign, to an offer, to the done deed; and the increasing strength of the pattern is a larger pattern in itself.  But let me show you this pattern in another way:

1.            Condemnation without death: Moses was born in Egypt.  When he was born, Moses was condemned to death, but he didn’t die; he was drawn out of the river.

2.   Sign of salvation: Forty years later, Moses killed the Egyptian.  He supposed his brethren would understand it was a sign that he would deliver them, (Acts 7:25).  But they didn’t understand.

3.            Salvation offered: Forty years later, Moses gave the Passover and none of the people who were under the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) died.  Then Moses tried to lead the people into the promised land (the Kingdom is salvation), but the people refused to enter.

4.            Salvation accomplished: Forty years later, the people were led into the promised land by Joshua.  It is important to note that it wasn’t until they crossed into the promised land that they swore the oath to keep the law—the accepting of the law.

The same pattern again:

1.            Condemnation without death: When the people came to Mount Sinai, Moses went up the mountain.  When he went up the mountain, he was condemned to death. God said that anyone or anything that touched the mountain would die, but even so, Moses trusted the Lord and didn’t die.

2.   Sign of salvation: Forty days later the law was given; if one keeps the law, he shall live by the law.  But the tablets weren’t given to the people at that time, Moses smashed them, so this wasn’t salvation but only a sign of salvation.

3.            Salvation offered: Forty days later, after he had pleaded for the lives of the people, (Deu-9), Moses said to God, “If you won’t forgive these people their sin, then blot me out of the book you’ve written.” (Ex 32:32).  Moses offered himself for the sin of the people.  Whenever someone offers himself for the sin of others, he becomes a likeness of the Lamb of God.  So God passed over their sin.  Passover is salvation; we are placed under grace until the promised land.

4.            Salvation received: Forty days later the tablets were given again and, this time, received by the people.  Receiving the law is salvation.

This pattern again:

1.            Condemnation without death: Adam was condemned to death.  God said, on the day he ate from the knowledge of good and evil Adam would die; but he didn’t drop dead on the spot, he lived hundreds of years.

2.   Sign of salvation: Forty jubilees later, Abraham was given a sign of salvation—circumcision.

And, more than a sign, he was given an outright promise.

3.            Salvation offered: Forty jubilees later, Jesus (the true Passover, and His reign as King on earth is the true promised land) offered salvation to the Jews, but they rejected their King and their salvation.

4.            Salvation accomplished: Forty jubilees later, we expect the return of the Lord and His millennial reign, which is the promised land and salvation.  And the law will be written in our hearts.   

The Six Thousand Year Pattern
1. Hope, condemnation without death       2. Sign; promise of salvation       3. Offer; salvation rejected     4. Salvation accomplished  
1. Adam condemned   40
  2. Abraham's promise   40
  3. Jesus; Passover lamb rejected   40
  4. Second coming; salvation  
1. Moses condemned when born   40
  2. Moses killed the Egyptian   40
  3. Passover, promised land refused   40
  4. Promised land entered  
1. Moses condemned on Mt. Sinai   40
  2. Law given but not received   40
  3. Moses offered self; sin passed over   40
  4. Law received; salvation  

Examination of this pattern can reveal much more.  It shows why Jerusalem is called Egypt; the Christians coming out of bondage of law in Jerusalem coincides with Israel coming out of the bondage of Egypt and is a likeness of the end—like when Israel came out of Egypt, (Isa 11:16). It also shows why we Christians are called Israel.  It shows that we are the true Jews in the wilderness of the nations; Jews, in the worldly sense, are our figures.  It shows that the battles before entering the promised land are the wars of the end times and vengeance will be taken on Midian before the return of the Lord.

The defeat of Israel by the Canaanites, (because the Lord was not with them), the day after they refused to enter the promised land, coincides with the defeat of the Jews by the Romans.  The Lord was no longer with them and they could not establish the Kingdom on their own.

The most important thing about this pattern is that it offers proof.  The time frame is locked in and shows when the Messiah would come; Christ had to come at that particular time in order to fit the pattern.  It proves Jesus is the true Messiah. But more than that, because it proves the Messiah and the prophecies about Him were given centuries before, this pattern also proves the Bible.

This same pattern is found elsewhere, like in the first three kings of Israel, each of which ruled forty years.  It is also found without the triple forty.  In the story of Joseph who was sold into Egypt by his brothers, they sold him and were condemned for their sin.  The first trip to Egypt, they were saved from famine even though still condemned; the second trip, Joseph revealed himself; the third trip to Egypt, they were settled into the promised land of Goshen.

Notice that there is always a Christ type in these patterns, which coincides with the Passover:

Moses offered himself.  At the end of his reign, David offered himself, (when the angel was about to destroy Jerusalem).  It was when Judah offered himself in place of Benjamin that Joseph’s demeanor changed toward his brothers.

One more comment before we leave this pattern: The reign of Solomon (peaceable) coincides with the period of grace we are under.  And when he was old, his strange wives led him astray.  In the pattern, this corresponds with the days of Midian, before the promised land.  If you understand this pattern, you should be able to discern the signs of these times.

So we can see that patterns in the Bible reveal much once they are recognized, it is only a matter of following the metaphor.

The nations of the world are another pattern which is predominant in the Bible. We find the pattern of the nations in: Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Midian, Jerusalem, Persia, Israel, Sodom, the wilderness, etc. (Jeremiah 6:28-30, 9:26, 16:14-15, 25:12-38, 34:1, 50:18), (Isaiah 9:1-4, 10:24-26, 14:22-32), (Ezekiel 32:11-15), (Habakuk 1:4-7), (Zechariah 10:11), (Micah 4:10, 5:6), (Revelation 17:18-18:12).

We find a pattern of the end in: Armageddon, Babel or Babylon, Noah’s flood, Abraham’s battle of the kings, Sodom and Gomorrah, the plagues of Egypt, the destruction of Israel, the destruction of Jerusalem, Shiloh etc.  (Isaiah 7:1-20, 8:7, 13:1-22, 36:), (Jeremiah 4:27-31, 7:30, 13:21, 26:6, 51:49), (Ezekiel 22:20, 24:13, 36:24), (Habakuk 2:5), (Zephaniah 1:1-2:14), (Joel 2:25), (Romans 15:16), (Jude 1:5).

Eden, Sodom, Egypt, Jerusalem, and the world are patterns of the garden of God. There is a repeating pattern of knowledge, being a blessing and a curse.  And we could go on and on with this.

Sometimes these similitudes are obvious.  Frequently one is called by the name of the other.  Sometimes a subtle hint is dropped; the time of Ahab is referred to as the end of years, (though not usually translated that way), indicating a likeness of the end, (2 Chronicles 18:2).

Any one of these patterns by itself is an incomplete picture, and we know in part, but it takes the sum of the parts to comprehend the whole.

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